Our K-8 program provides the opportunity for parents to partner with Home School teachers in the education of their students. We provide all the curriculum, lessons, books and materials that are aligned with Templeton Unified School District and California standards. We also offer Friday elective classes for enrichment and social opportunities.
Contact Number: (805) 434-5833
Enrollment Packet
Kinder Enrollment Packet
A high powered 9-12th grade independent study program that allows students to individualize their four year plan for their specific needs. Many of the students enrolled at TISHS are concurrently enrolled in Cuesta College and online courses. TISHS also offers specialized programs such as Work Experience to enhance the student's experience. 小米路由ssr
Eagle Canyon serves students in grades 10 - 12 who need to make up credits.
Our Adult School offers academic, technical, vocational and enrichment programs for adults who wish to continue their education.
Enrollment Packet.
Parents and Students - We've updated the location of Powerschool - the new URL Link is:
New PowerSchool Location
If you use the mobile app on iOS or Android, PowerSchool tells us the way to get it to re-sync with our new PowerSchool host is to delete your app, re-download the app from the AppStore or Google Play Store, and then re-sign in.
Our PowerSchool District Code is:
Email aalsup@templetonusd.org if you have any further questions.
~AJ Alsup & the Tech Team
Would you consider opening up your heart and home to host a high school student from Denmark for the upcoming school year? FLAG International is currently looking for placements for students who are all excited to see who their American Host Family will be! It has been their American dream to spend their exchange year not only in America, but in California. If you are interested, or for more information, please contact Jill Laursen at jlaursen@flag-intl.org
Measles Update
The SLO Public Health Department has reported one adult case of measles in San Luis Obispo County. They have identified all contacts and their risk of exposure. One TUSD student has been quarantined as a precaution to our other students. This student has not shown any signs of the measles. The contagious period is 4 days before symptoms are seen. Therefore no student within TUSD is at risk of getting the measles from this student. If your child has not received the two measles vaccinations, the Public Health Department recommends you contact your child’s physician. Please call your school office and speak with a school nurse if you have any questions.
Measles Notification Letter
Carta De Notification De Sarampio
TUSD exists to engage and work collaboratively with students, families and the community to create systems which develop character, academics, global awareness as well as economic, artistic, civic, digital and health literacy allowing our youth numerous options in the pursuit of an ethical and successful life in the 21st Century. With relationships as our foundation, we provide timely and caring feedback which guides progress and ensures success.
TUSD is an educational system where stakeholders are empowered, respected and adequately resourced to deliver broad-based and effective pathways from which student and employee outcomes are self-determined as a result of individual talents, interests and choices. The fundamental values of integrity, perseverance, excellence and local control are apparent in all interactions between staff members and during interactions with the public.